My constant companion. He who possesses ebony fur; stricken with a shade of amber. He often lays low; contented to yield to silence, his demeanor hums softly of other worlds. At night, he sleeps at the foot of my bed; an outstretched paw intermittently taps the floorboards. I am forever made aware of his presence, and his purpose. Within the dark recesses of this mad place; I slumber in defenselessness, whilst his eyes are ever watchful and discerning; offering up slivers of light. We share a burden, he and I, the weight of the worlds woes are distributed upon our shoulders. Often, more so his than mine. Without this earnest devotion to one another, I would surely slip softly away...he washes me clean of all of my tidal pain; absorbing any fragmented remnants upon his own aspect. My only companion; he whispers while I sleep. His nighttime musings resonate a lingering sadness; his words freeze time, as they penetrate the ceiling and walls that surround.
Beautifully written. Powerful other worldly photo. Did you take it?